Bettolino Kitchen

Looking Back and Looking Forward

When we heard that COVID restrictions were being lifted a few weeks ago, you can imagine the joy we all shared here at Bettolino Kitchen! Returning to business as usual is something we’ve been dreaming about for over a year.

It goes without saying that the last 15 months have been a strenuous journey. But as we look forward towards a brighter future, we also can’t forget to look back with gratitude for the support from our community.

We’re very lucky to have kept our doors open nearly every day over the last year, even if only for takeout. We were able to continue offering employment to our full staff, and in turn our employees were able to continue providing our signature, unbeatable service to our community — even if it was in a new way.

Slowly we adapted, and we learned a lot about perseverance. We even had a few good laughs along the way!

Because of all of this, we are a stronger team and a stronger community. And now, we’re looking forward to a new chapter in our book as we expand into the space next door.

None of this would have been possible if it weren’t for our loyal guests. Without your support, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

Thank you to everyone who has been part of this journey with us. And if you haven’t been back in a while, we look forward to seeing you back around our table again soon!

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